divendres, 19 d’abril del 2013

Geografic location

Shamanism is located in many parts of Asia: Mongolia, Korea, Siberia and North Asia and Central Asia.
Mongolian shamanism: Mongolian classics, such as ``the secrets´´, provide details about male and female shamans serving as exorcists, healers, rainmakers, oneiromancers, soothsayers, and officials. Shamanic practices continue in present day Mongolia culture.
Hmong shamanism:The Hmong people, as an ancient people of China with a 5,000 year history, continue to maintain and practice its form of shamanism known as "Ua Neeb" in mainland Asia
korean shamanism:Shamanism is still practiced in South Korea, where the role of a shaman is most frequently taken by women known as mudangs, while male shamans (rare) are called baksoo mudangs. Korean shamans are considered to be from a low class.
A person can become a shaman through hereditary title or through natural ability. Shamans are consulted in contemporary society for financial and marital decisions.

divendres, 12 d’abril del 2013

origin and development(shamanism)

Shamanism The term refers to a set of beliefs and practices concerned with communication with the spirit world. The practitioner of shamanism is known as a shaman.
Shaman , originally referred to the traditional healers of Turkic-Mongol areas such as Northern Asia (Siberia) and Mongolia; Saman it means : he who knows.
This religión comes directly from the language manchú
The religión is right for both, male and famale
This religión has raised objections among academics and tradicional healers who claim that the world comes from some place and the people folow some rituals.
This neurophysical model has been applied to various imagery, ranging from northwest European tomb art to Australian rock art.
The hallmarks of shamanism as a religious phenomenon are most clearly seen, historically and currently, in Siberia, Mongolia and Inner Asian area.
Shamans are globally distributed and shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice.